lunes, 15 de enero de 2007

you know that you deserve this

now i was just remembering a song, called "i deserve it" which talks about when you know you deserve something, and all that rounds that. i sometimes think that i deserve most of the things that happen to me, i always analyse everything that happens to me, and most of the times i've realised i had to have what i have (cuantos have!!=D), and that makes me happy, cuz i got known that i'm something. i know it sounds egocentric, but i don't care, if you do just do it, i won't change my mind because someone tells me to. you have just said if i was even half of what you deserve, and i think you're twice of that. that makes me happy too.
someday we'll may meet, that day we'll know¿? (i had to put that, i don't know why, that was in my mind)


bloggg de mierda no sé como poner un video:::
encima tengo sueño y el teclado es chongo

1 comentario:

Dardo dijo...

para poner un video de youtube (porque los de otro lado no sé como se ponen =P)

1- buscas el video
2- escribis el texto en blogger
3- vas a la solapa de html
4- copias todo el chorizo que aparece en "embed" en el video (esta abajo del link)
5- lo pegas en el html de blogger, en el renglon que vos quieras.
